Thursday, July 21, 2011


I don't want to write about food too often here, don't get me wrong, i LOVE food but i feel like there are a lot of people out there with better instagram skills and more appropriate language to be able to write about food. My reviews tend to be just sounds of drool hitting my desk or the sound of my stomach rumbling.

I do however HAVE to review two dishes i've had recently that need to be shared;

The first was todays lunch over at one of my work faves Cavallero. I've only eaten there a handful of times, their baked eggs in the morning are amazing, as is their coffee and most wines which is what i tend to stick to. Today however i had to try one of their famed sandwiches. Now it was a hard decision between the 'collingwood meatball' sub, the schnitzel and coleslaw sandwich however in the end I went for the Reuben. Now I love a good corned beef on rye, in fact this is what turned my from 7 years as a vegetarian into a full blown meat eater (later that year whilst spending christmas with my family in Greece i even at turkey brains.......). The Sandwich was DE-lish, amazing actually, well, i'm pretty sure the image speaks for itself!

The second dish was at The Newmarket, the south side flavour of the month that has drawn me in a number of times. Recently was the first time i'd sampled the dessert and Oh my god, the chocolate tart with Kahlua ice cream and toffee shards is as ridiculous as it sounds.

**I apologise for the quality of this image, i think I was too excited to eat!

So there is my culinary advice for the weekend, no doubt there will be the odd one in the future but i'll probably get distracted by clothes!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A.mbition to C.reate N.ovel E.xpression

Have you seen anything more fun than the outfit below?

Thanks to the amazing Geri Hirsch from the blog Because i'm Addicted for posting these picks of the new Acne Leathers range. WANT!

Since seeing Mikael Schiller, CEO of Acne at this years LMFF Business Seminar, I've been more obsessed with the idea of owning one of their leather jackets than i am with owning a dog (desperate to but our apartment is way too small). The brands ethos about rational thought and creativity really stuck a cord with my. This was one of the best talks of the day!

Still swooning over this vest!!

1. Whyred knit and Acne leather skirt
2. COS dress and Acne leather vest

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

True Genius

Anish Kapoor is one if those people whose work literally stops me in my tracks and makes me rethink everything i have ever done with my time and brain. I'm surrounded by a lot of creative people as part of my job and also my friends and aquaitances. I see people do great things and it's incredibly inspiring. This however, is different.

As part of Monumenta 2011, Kapoor created something quite extraordinary. The Paris based event is like no other, each year the French Ministry of Culture and Communication selects relevant and prolific contemporary artists to appropriate the Grand Palais Nave with art works specifically created for the event.

This year it was Kapoor's turn and as a result Leviathan was born. Now, i've seen some pretty impressive things in my time - The Parthenon, New York City, Joshua Tree National Park and George Clooney however Leviathan is something different and I have only seen photos.

I've written and deleted and re written my own review/appraisal of the work but nothing I say does it justice. What I will do is leave this photo, and link to the VIDEO that completely and utterly changed my opinion of this artist. He is a true visionary.

Anish Kapoor – Leviathan – Interior view of the artwork
© MONUMENTA 2011- Anish Kapoor – Leviathan – Interior view of the artwork. Photo Didier Plowy – All rights reserved Monumenta 2011, French Ministry for Culture and Communication

Monday, July 18, 2011

MiFF AKA 14 days of fun

It's my favourite time of year! Not only is it my birthday (weeeeeeeeeeeeeee, last year of my 20s **shock **horror **booze) but Miff (Melbourne International Film Festival) begins. In actual fact, it ends the day after my birthday so the next two weeks will be a film filled build up to my day (it's MY DAY!!!!!)

Every year my sister and I (her birthday is three days after mine) get each other a festival emini pass which gets you 10 flicks and 3 extra ones before 5pm on a weekday. It's a bloody bargain and quite indulgent. Anyway, i haven't book all my films but here are a selections of the ones i'm heading to. I always favour documentaries but there are a couple of features thrown in also;

El Bulli (Documentary)

Said to profile the inner workings of the Spanish eatery, El Bulli exposes the genius behind the restaurants Chef, Ferran Adria. I have had a long standing fascination with him since my other culinary heart throb Anthony Bourdain visited on his TV show No Reservations. Adria is a true genius, less Chef more mad scientist. Very much looking forward to this!

I feel a bit sorry for poor ole Elliot. After the fall of the US financial system, the then New York State Attorney General rose to power only to be pulled back down to earth with a resonating thud. One of the key prosecutors of the powerful and wealthy, Spitzers skeletons were leaked to the New York Times which involved him in a prostitution ring that caused perhaps the only real Democratic hope to fall from grace.

Now, i have a fascination with Cults. Not that i'd ever be in one but i'm quite intrigued as to the nature of them and the people who choose to be in them. Most if not all are violent, crazy and just plane weird and it sounds like the one in this film is not different. The film follows Martha (the Olsen Twin's sister Elizabeth) escape from such a cult living in upstate New York. This film looks dark and slightly harrowing but said to be amazing non the less.

There are a lot more where these came from so visit the website and see for yourself.

Melbourne International Films Festival
21st July - 7th August 2011