Tuesday, December 21, 2010


All i can say about Somewhere is that Sofia coppola is a genius. This film and indeed all her others represent the world in a beautiful way, no matter how painful it really is.

Somewhere her forth feature seems to be a more personal piece, lacking in any real narrative but allowing the audience to swim in the stunning visuals she gives to them. Coppola has a knack for being able to set up seemingly ordinary, everyday scenes, and turns them into a work of art. She takes a world as heartless and cruel as the Los Angeles celebrity vacuum and depicts it as sort of fairytale wonderland. Often heartwernching, the winner of the 2010 Best Picture award at the Venice Film Festival, is more visual than narrative. The first 10 or more minutes of the film is noticeably without dialogue and you instantly relate to the protagonists isolation from his surroundings and indeed himself. Stephen Dorff has been away from the screen for a few years, not exactly sure where he went but he play's Jonny Marco, an 'It' actor living at the Chateau Marmont a place synonymous with Hollywood debauchery. Jonny is surrounded by everybodys and nobodies and doesn't' really seem to care about anything. The only real depth you see from him is through his daughter Cleo played superbly by Elle Fanning (the girl is ridiculously beautiful at just 11 years old). Even then you see a distance between them due to circumstance and the world they live in. Though their journey throughout the film is playful and heartfelt in some ways, there is huge void between them that Coppola tries to close but which you know will remain open.

Sophia has a way of being able to make any environment look inviting, even LA and though there are shots of endless highways (perhaps a reflection of the main character) the lush green vistas and incredibly decadent lifestyle definitely makes you envious. To say what the film is 'about' would be quite hard as it isn't really about anything, it's more of a reflection of a life which perhaps the film maker herself can relate to. There is slight catharsis at the end of the film however you do leave the cinema with the longing felt throughout.

The film is beautiful and it's nice to be able to sit and appreciate Coppola's aesthetic for a few hours. My favourite scene involves a fun day out between Jonny and Cleo. They swim and eat and shop and in one instance they pat a little puppy to a backing track of Julian Casablancas' 'I'll try anything once". Seriously, there is nothing better than that!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Terry's World

Popular culture has a very love/hate relationship with Terry Richardson. The 45 year old photographer son of Bob Richardson, renowned fashion photographer, is also known for his fashion and editorial photographs usually containing nudity and a lot of sexual innuendo. Since I signed up to Google Analytics, the program that allows you to gage traffic on your blog, I noticed that I’ve received a spike in traffic all because of my post about the Pirelli calendar. No coincidence that all of a sudden, i have been receiving 30 hits a day the same time I posted pictures of naked girls. Part of me thinks my boyfriend is the one looking at the ladies but the other half of me is not surprised that this post in particular has garnered so much attention.

The images on the post that I like most and that I think stand out are the two that Richardson shot for the 2010 calendar. They are pretty gratuitous but I like them cause they are so obvious. There is no hidden message, no subtle suggestion just a picture of a nice ass in tight shorts. Richardson spawned the idea of 'Fashion Smut' (a term coined by myself whilst writing this) that led to the popularity of the Purple Journal publication and the more 'art' focused works of Jurgen Teller. Richardson cops a lot of shit, most recently for the spread he did of the kids from Glee in GQ and the allegations of him being a bit 'handsy' with models when they come to his studio.

Drama aside, I’m really fond of his aesthetic both in his personal works and the work he does for major fashion houses and magazine spreads. I love the washed out white backgrounds that make his subjects, whoever they are, quite arresting in their appearance. From Obama to James Franco in drag for Candy magazine to some random modal, his subjects are majestic, they have a sense of strength and a command over theirs and our sexuality (well, perhaps not Obama he just makes me want to high five him).

Ours is a world where sex sells, you see it in the way all those little pop teen tarts dress and by the spontaneous traffic on my blog. We can’t escape it cause we created it and there really is not point getting your knickers in a twist, instead, take your clothes off and let Terry take a photo of them;). Big and ridiculous statements aside, his photos are awesome, take a look at his blog, the images (in particular the ones with Terry and his subject usually flipping the camera off)are incredibly entertaining!

All images by Terry Richardson

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Image: Sophia Coppola on set, from Slachfilm.com

I'm really excited about seeing the new Sophia Coppola film "Somewhere"with my sister on Sunday. Apart from re-introducing Stephen Dorff back into the world (Sophia, I thank you) and casting the exquisite Elle Fanning (Dakotas' Sister) her films have always been truly amazing visual experiences and this is apparently no different.

Image: Elle Fanning and Stephen Dorff 'Somewhere', from Slachfilm.com

Debuting on the film scene in Godfather Part III did not do Sophia any acting favours however almost 10 years later, she had developed as a director and gave us The Virgin Suicides. This film is a harrowing and beautiful and her style was definitely apparent right from the beginning. Watching this and her other titles which include Lost In Translation and Marie Antoinette, you are transported into a dreamlike state where reality seems so far away and for 2 hours you can just be lost in her world.

Lost In Translation was poignant for the time and received wonderful feedback, Maria Antoinette had mixed reviews but spawned French Revolutions chic (and had an amazing soundtrack) and though Somewhere has not had an official release yet, critics are saying Oscar!

Here is a bit of a Sophia gallery;

Image: Scarlett Johansson and Bill Murray, Lost in translation, 2003

Image: Kirsten Dunst as Marie Antoinette, 2006

Image: Scarlett's gorgeous behind, Lost In Translation, 2003

Image: Kirsten Dunst, The Virgin Suicides, 1999

Advanced Screenings of 'Somewhere' are at Nova Cinema in Carlton this weekend December 17th, 18th and 19th 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Revised Letter to Melbourne Weather

Well, It seems my rants have paid off. The weather this weekend really was sublime. I did the things I said I wanted to and for that Melbourne I say thanks. I got to lie in a park, I drank during the day, I basked and wore shorts and it was bliss so thank you Melbourne for turning it on.

Now I don't want to push my luck but it's Meredith Music Festival this weekend and instead of being like this;
as has been in the last few years, can you but more like this;

Thanks ever so!

PS: you're looking fabulous today!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

An open letter to Melbourne Weather.

Dear Melbourne Weather

I just wanted to let you know that I'm having serious nostalgia for summer time.
Right now Melbourne, you are shitting me. It's the 2nd of December today, it's
summer and you're a miserable rainy mess and have been for a good month or more. This is what you are;

And this is what you should be;

I've been waiting and waiting for the weather to get even slightly better so I can stop wearing tights a boots and not have to worry about the fact that i've lost my umbrella. Right now, I've got a bad case of Summertime Blues and we all know that there ain't no cure for the Summertime Blues especially since there appears to be no summer time what so ever!

Where are you sun? I want to walk around bare footed and have ice cream melt down my chin. I want sand in my hair from the beach and sweat dripping down the back of my legs. I WANT A TAN! I want to wear a t-shirt and no jacket and sun dresses and thongs but instead you rain and i have frizzy hair and a scowl on my face! Just so you know, next weekend is Meredith and if you rain (again) i'm gonna flip!

In conclusion, I love you Melbourne. Your city rocks, in particular when the sun is out. So c'mon, stop this nonsense and bring me a heat wave!

Sincerely Surly Leni

Pirelli Update

The 2011 Pirelli Calendar was launched in Moscow last night and was shot by celebrated designer and photography Karl Lagerfeld. Featuring a selection of the most coveted models including Anja Rubik, Abbey Lee Kershaw and Erin Wasson and surprisingly some boys, the calendar is sharp and classic. Shot in black and white, Lagerfeld's 'Mythology' calendar reflects Greek and Roman gods, goddesses, hero's and heroins. 15 female models and 5 males grace the pages of this truly beautiful publication. You are amazing Karl.

All image credits to Karl Lagerfeld, 2011