Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Terry's World
Popular culture has a very love/hate relationship with Terry Richardson. The 45 year old photographer son of Bob Richardson, renowned fashion photographer, is also known for his fashion and editorial photographs usually containing nudity and a lot of sexual innuendo. Since I signed up to Google Analytics, the program that allows you to gage traffic on your blog, I noticed that I’ve received a spike in traffic all because of my post about the Pirelli calendar. No coincidence that all of a sudden, i have been receiving 30 hits a day the same time I posted pictures of naked girls. Part of me thinks my boyfriend is the one looking at the ladies but the other half of me is not surprised that this post in particular has garnered so much attention.
The images on the post that I like most and that I think stand out are the two that Richardson shot for the 2010 calendar. They are pretty gratuitous but I like them cause they are so obvious. There is no hidden message, no subtle suggestion just a picture of a nice ass in tight shorts. Richardson spawned the idea of 'Fashion Smut' (a term coined by myself whilst writing this) that led to the popularity of the Purple Journal publication and the more 'art' focused works of Jurgen Teller. Richardson cops a lot of shit, most recently for the spread he did of the kids from Glee in GQ and the allegations of him being a bit 'handsy' with models when they come to his studio.
Drama aside, I’m really fond of his aesthetic both in his personal works and the work he does for major fashion houses and magazine spreads. I love the washed out white backgrounds that make his subjects, whoever they are, quite arresting in their appearance. From Obama to James Franco in drag for Candy magazine to some random modal, his subjects are majestic, they have a sense of strength and a command over theirs and our sexuality (well, perhaps not Obama he just makes me want to high five him).
Ours is a world where sex sells, you see it in the way all those little pop teen tarts dress and by the spontaneous traffic on my blog. We can’t escape it cause we created it and there really is not point getting your knickers in a twist, instead, take your clothes off and let Terry take a photo of them;). Big and ridiculous statements aside, his photos are awesome, take a look at his blog, the images (in particular the ones with Terry and his subject usually flipping the camera off)are incredibly entertaining!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Revised Letter to Melbourne Weather

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
An open letter to Melbourne Weather.

Pirelli Update

Sunday, November 28, 2010
The Pirelli

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wish List

Monday, November 15, 2010
'facebook me'

Sunday, November 14, 2010
I'll buy anything if it looks pretty

I like tea, usually peppermint and usually when i've eaten too much. I have never really been into the loose leaf variety cause i'm pretty lazy and even though i've got a million of those mugs with the removable tea leaf strainer thing, even that to me seem way too hard. Those amazing people over at Breville however have come up with the coolest freakin kettle ever, EVER! The Automatic Tea Maker and Kettle is designed for all those lazy bastards out there like me who just want a nice cup of tea, but can't be bothered to make it. Take a look at the website and watch the little promo videos. Trust me, you too will think that 300 bucks is reasonable after seeing what it can do!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Christmas is on the way bitches!

This is a few years old but honestly, it's one of the funniest things i have ever read. I found 'It's decorative Gourd Season, Motherfuckers' by Colin Nissan in McSweeney's Internet Tendency. So since Christmas is around the corner and plastic decorations will soon be in our faces, have a read and get inspired to fuck this festive season up with bonbons and tinsel and shit!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ok so we are all familiar with the amazing video for 'Power' by Kanye and if you're not, shame, take a look here. The clip was created by Marco Brambilla who's a pretty amazing multimedia artist. He was responsible for this amazing installation in the lift at the Standard hotel in LA that takes you from Hell (ground floor) to Heaven (Penthouse). PLEASE do yourself and favour and watch it here, brilliant!
Time for a Change
I haven’t blogged for a while, mostly cause I took a ‘leave of absence’ from uni and didn’t feel very inspired to write about anything. That is of course till I had my usual ‘fuck what am I doing with my life’ panic which usually results in me starting yet another university course. However since my hecs bill is well above 60000 grand, I’m instead going to write about all of the incredible creative things and people I’m exposed to (but not in a pants down kind of way) as part of my job. Working for one of the countries most renowned creative events has it’s perks (free food and booze) in that I hear about talented individuals, incredibly cool gadgets and mind blowing experiences I probably wouldn’t have discovered on my own. So as a disclaimed for my new look blog, I’m taking away the black background and sharing what I think is some really fucking cool stuff! I’ll still probably bitch about the media too!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Lessons Learned

I have been having nostalgia overload of late.
I think it started when I watched an episode of The Cosby Show at my parents place. It was the one when they turn the Huxtable residence into an apartment building to teach Theo a lesson about life, anyway it’s really funny and one of the only ones I remember really well. Since then I have been thrust back in time on a number of occasions; Full House is back on telly, Shaggy played Oh Carolina and Mr Boombastic at Raggamuffin (why I was there is irrelevant!) and sunny boys are back!! This, along with the hideously early 90s haircuts and shorts I’m seeing around Melbourne has made me considering my childhood. It might be the fact that it’s my 10 year high school reunion this year, or it could be that I have realised it's probably about time i started doing grown up things like being responsible (sigh*). Whatever the reason, Nostalgia is a bitch. Sometimes, like right now for instance, it holds you and doesn’t let go, forcing you to recall that crush you had on Michael J Fox and how awesome Sunny Boys were in primary school but that are actually not that great now. Apparently nothing looks or tastes quite the same.
So what does it mean? As you get older is everything shit? Is nothing actually as good as we thought it was? The older you get the more jaded you become?
I haven’t decided yet, but I’ll keep you posted as (like Theo here) I ponder the thought.