Photo Credit: Wallet Pop.com
I’m a twitter stalker and I’m not ashamed of it, actually I’m a little ashamed but that’s beside the point. The point is, I was looking on the magnation twitter feed when some bozo posted about how those magnation people were ‘deluded fools’ because print is dead, apparently.
Amongst this little twitter war I discovered a Guardian article that was relevant to this issue. According to The Digital Content Blog, publishing powerhouses Hearst, Time Inc and Condé Nast are teaming up with iTunes to create online storefronts for their digital publications. Whilst I have already expressed my feelings towards publishers charging for online content, I think this is a brilliant move. Despite the threat it poses to the print medium, iTunes has become a beacon in online usability. Music, film and talkback radio have been ‘saved’ by Apple cause no matter what they produce, consumers will flock in record numbers with iTunes cards in hand to purchase the latest releases.
Take that @print_is_dead, I will no longer be stalking your twitter.