Tuesday, September 22, 2009

because it's the holidays and I want to talk about clothes

I know i have already mentioned how much I love my google reader. It's there whenever I need to just switch off and look at pretty pictures and read about pretty things.

So since my little 'ode to the reader' post previously, i began to consider the blog phenomenon and what it means to certain industries. I have decided that I am a very nosy person, not that I'm overcome with the need to know everybody's business (of course I want to know that too) but i'm also interested in the little things, like why someone ordered pasta at lunch instead of the chicken baguette or what made them buy that over sized fuchsia knitted jumper?

The jumper however is what consumes most of my interest and considering the popularity of fashion blogging, apparently everyone else wants to know too!

I like to look at the photos from purple DIARY (see below) which basically presents images of a whole lot of exhibitionists who turn the viewer (i.e. me) into an exhibitionist. Olivier Zahm has created an empire out of his photographs portraying models, musicians and of course himself being fabulous. Similarly style bloggers like the Sartorialist and Garance Dore (who incidentally just got married and became the worlds first style blog power couple) have made their mark (and money?!) from travelling the world taking photos of hot people in hot clothes. However, once these photographs were not available to the masses and we could only wonder what amazing things went on behind the doors you couldn't get in to. As previously mentioned I'm nosey and if I am then other people are.

Along with the style comes the gossip, the bitching, the shopping and the stalking each one contributing to a significant shift. When previously this industry was unaccessible, now, on the internet, more and more people can be voyers to a once very exclusive club.

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